The Fresh Market & Shoppes
Johnson City, TN
The Fresh Market is an upscale grocery store located on State of Franklin Road. Eggers/M & M Construction provided turnkey site work services for the 5 acre site including clearing, demo, erosion control, grading, storm sewer, water and sanitary sewer.
Dollar General Stores
Various Locations
Dollar General in Burnsville, NC is located at the intersection of Cooper Street and Hwy 19E Bypass on a 1.65 acre site. Eggers/M & M Construction provided turnkey sitework services that included erosion control, demolition, grading, undercut and replace with matting and stone, storm drainage, water/sewer installation. Installation of sand filter storm water retention system: 6 precast concrete vaults filled with clean stone gravel and white sand.
Grandfather Center
Banner Elk, NC
The Grandfather Center is located on Hwy 105 in Invershiel and includes a Lowes Foods grocery store, two buildings with retail space and a McDonald/Gas Station. Eggers Construction Company provided a complete site work package for the 14 acre site including clearing, grubbing, erosion control, grading, rock removal, storm drainage, water/sewer utilities. Approximately 200,000 cubic yards of dirt was moved offsite.