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Foothills Commerce Center
Shelby, NC
Foothills Commerce Center is located off of Highway 74 and Artee Road. Eggers/M & M Construction provided mass grading of 40 acres to provide three new industrial sites. This included clearing, grubbing, erosion control, earthwork, storm drainage and site stabilization, seeding. 200,000 CY of dirt moved onsite.
Vulcan Materials Disposal Site Phase 1
Boone, NC
Vulcan Materials is a quarry located on Hwy 105 in Boone. Eggers Construction relocate 110,000 cubic yards of spoil material on site in order for Vulcan Materials to access more crushable rock. Excess tree material was ground onsite with our Horizontal Grinder. 200 LF of 24” HDPE pipe and 2 sediment ponds were installed, 1.7 acres hydroseeded. Bulk of dirt moved and placed in 8 weeks .
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