Avery County Airport Runway Expansion
Spruce Pine, NC
Avery County Airport is a public airport located off Hwy 19E. This project involved the movement of 100,000 cubic yards of soils including stockpiled topsoil, 4,015 feet of open ditches, 800 feet of slope drains and other assorted drainage piping, 3 skimmer basins and seeding of 12.2 acres of disturbed area.
Ashe County Airport Runway Expansion
Jefferson, NC
Ashe County Airport is a public use airport located in Jefferson, NC. Eggers/M&M Construction Company provided site work services that extended the runway 850 feet. Our scope of work included, clearing and grubbing, demo, erosion control, grading, fine grading, storm drainage. Site was approximately 10 acres with 50,000 cubic yards unclassified excavation and 41,000 cubic yards embankment in place.
Avery County Humane Society
Newland, NC
Avery County Humane Society is a non-profit organization that humanely responds to animals in need. The shelter is located on New Vale Road and can house approximately 95 animals. Eggers Construction provided site work services on the 2 acre site that included excavation, grading & hauling off unsuitable soils. Rock removal and boulder wall installation, storm drainage, water/sewer utility installation, stone import, erosion control including seeding. Restoration of a small stream was required. Installation of a special sewer grinder was installed specifically to handle animal waste.
Avery Co. Landfill Closure Event #1
Spruce Pine, NC
Eggers/M & M Construction provided Avery County Landfill with the construction of 2.65 acres of construction and demolition landfill final closure with earthwork, and associated site storm water measures. This closure included compacted soil liner and conformance testing of vegetative soil liner. Construction of a sediment basin and related earthwork, drainage and erosion and sedimentation control measures were provided in a seperate contract.
Burke Co. Library & Senior Center
Hildebran, NC
Burke County Library & Senior Center is located on South Center Street. The 16,500 square foot facility is open to the public and includes a library, study rooms, computer lab and programs for seniors. Eggers/M & M Construction provided grading, storm drainage, erosion control, site water and sewer. 17,000 cubic yards of earth exported off site.
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